Let's enjoy wandering!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Invisible border

A seven-story building was suddenly demolished. Immediately the construction of a huge new building started.
The Torii, Japanese traditional structure, is standing next to a storm of noise. It has been standing there since many years ago.
There seems to be a border. Nobody can see it, but it completely separates each world.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

A sign of winter

The wind coming from the northwest brought the cold air.
Fallen leaves made dry sounds; it told me of the beginning of winter.
Sometimes sound tells us the turn of the seasons.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Fly to ancient times

I crouched in the field. I felt as if I were in an ancient village.
The breeze, the sunset, the smell of the soil; they must not have changed since ancient times.
How about humans? Has something in our minds changed over time?
A noisy car brought me back to the real world.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Reality of the antithesis

It's amazing! I found this in a pottery market today.
We can't eat them because they're made of ceramic. But you feel like eating them, don't you? The potter succeeded in expressing softness with very hard material.
I saw hundreds of items of pottery in the market. This piece was my favorite.